Skew-Modifier on Camera

Hi there,

I recently ran into problems when rendering voxels out of a free camera having a “Skew”-Modifier on top. I did not test rendering out particles instead of voxels, so I don’t know if the problem still exist when rendering in particle mode. Is the Skew-Modifier supported by Krakatoa when rendering voxels?

Thanks in advance!

It is supported correctly in Particle Mode.
It is currently not supported (or at least broken, as you discovered) in Voxel Mode.

I will see what the word is from the developer…

Thanks for your reply, Bobo. Are there any news about this issue or do you know a workaround?

Based on Krakatoa (available from I didn’t have any trouble with a very simple scene.

skew_test.max (196 KB)

I suggest you try the version I linked to. If you are still having render artifacts, please prepare a max scene that will allow me to reproduce the problem. Thanks!

Thanks for your efforts, Darcy! I tried the version you recommended and unfortunately its still the same. Nevertheless I had been able to narrow down the problem. I currently use a Krakatoa-Material with an Emission Color. When I turn off the Emission, the particles render ok even with the skew modifier on. As soon as I turn on Emission, the artifacts appear. You will find a simple testscene attached to this post (3ds max 2009, Krakatoa v1.6.1.44019).

Would be great if you found the time taking a look into this. :wink:
krakatoa_testscene.max (84 KB)

Yes, I reported the Emission problem internally yesterday.
There are some very wrong values being produced when Emission is on and a Skew is applied to the Camera.

I’ve fixed the problem and will post a new build later today. It will go here:

It’s up now.

Thank you very much guys! Works like a charm now :smiley: