Slave as service

I want to install a deadline slave as a service.
After installation, I created and operates the service, but the monitor does not see the slave. What am i doing wrong? How do I know what the problem is?

I also tried at the command line to see connections
netstat -a -b -p
does not have any connections

The best first step would be to go to the log folder on one of the slaves and open the slave log, and see if it reports any issues. Can you verify that you opened the needed ports on the database host machine and shared out the repo folder? Also, can you verify the slave machines are able to resolve the locations of the repo and database?

Thank you. Which ports i should open? Firewall Windows already contains exceptions. Probably it is necessary to do and ports

To break down Dwight’s though process here, if the Slave can’t communicate with the database, it can’t add itself. The logs will confirm that for us. I always forget you can do this, but if you’re on the machine which is running the Slave, you should be able to view a life stream of the log by running deadlinecommand -ConnectToSlaveLog "SLAVENAME", or by finding the log files. On Linux they’re in “/var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline7”.

Now, for the ports that are needed. The database port is 27070. We have a list of other ports here (though it seems we have a typo there for the database): … iderations

Hi again.
Indeed logs show that launcher cannot connect to remote db.

I can connect to remote db using robomongo client and my launcher works fine when launched as .exe file, but when I set it up to launch as a service using same user it cannot connect to db. What can be the problem? Thank you


Would it be possible for you to send a deadlineslave log file from when it’s running as a service, and one when it’s a user based environment, preferably with the verbose slave logging enabled in repository options? You can grab the log files from the slave by opening the slave window, and then choosing the help menu, and then explore log folder. Thanks.

Couple of reboots fixed this somehow :smiley: , thanks for help!