Hi, I’ve been having this issue with my own work machine on our farm where it fails modo jobs randomly. This seems to only start happening when I use remote desktop from home to access my computer. The modo errors are not very specific but it definitely seems like it’s something local to my machine.
I’ve attached a render log from one of my failed frames and a log from a successful frame on the same job. Hopefully someone can spot the issue since there is a definite discrepancy.
Job_logs.rar (138 KB)
Hey James,
Can you verify if it was already failing before you logged in? Have you tried logging in mid render and see if that affects it? Could you send over a slave log from before you remoted in up until the point when you logged out where it did fail while you were logged in? I am curious if your login triggered it, or was just coincidence, and the slave log showing the full day would hopefully show the state of things through the entire time.
Hi Dwight, so I ran a test job over the weekend. I logged into a different machine remotely and launched a job that ran only on my machine. I then logged onto my machine and stayed logged in for 10 minutes or so while the job ran. I didn’t notice any failures while I was logged in. So I logged off and let the job finish it’s render. This morning I checked the job and noticed that it did start failing frames some 10 minutes after I logged off. The frames would fail and then eventually render successfully. I’ve included my slave log for that time period and the render logs for one of the frames that failed then succeeded.
The two slave logs I have seem to split at the point where the jobs started failing, which I find interesting.
Job_Reports.rar (5.27 KB)
James_Slave_logs.rar (183 KB)
Hey James,
So I looked over these logs, and at the end of the deadlineslave-JamesB-2015-09-19-0000.log file it shows that the slave is shutting down once it’s done it’s modo task. It’s not prematurely ending the job, as it goes into the process of doing a job scan, but mid scan it’s getting a shut down command, which is very odd. Do you know of anything setup on your farm which might cause it to get a shutdown command
Hmm, that’s weird. I’ll have to go through my settings tomorrow. I have been playing around with some automation for our slaves to try to maximize our user machines time on the farm. So maybe I have a weird conflict going on. I’ll check tomorrow and let you know.