Slave not shutting down when idle

Somehow there’s one slave that doesn’t shut down if it’s idle.
And i’m wondering how to trouble shoot it.
If I look at the logs I get this message:

2017/05/03 14:29:48 nixx  (web service) 3D(3D\nixx): Sent remote slave command 'OnLastTaskComplete' with arguments 'ShutdownMachineIdle : realflow.exe,cmd.exe,3dsmax.exe : Power Management shut down idle machines : False : ~' to machine '3Dnode9'.

None of the applications are running that should stall the shutdown

Well, the command should be received by the launcher running on that machine so the next step would be to check that log.

The send command didn’t throw an error so I’m assuming the launcher is running and got the message.

attached the launcher log… somehow it says one of the processes is running, but none of the 3 are active in the task manager…
deadlinelauncher-3Dnode9-2017-06-12-0000.log (23.3 KB)

It looks like it thinks either the command prompt or 3dsmax is running… That’s odd.

According to the source code, it should be “cmd.exe” that it’s catching on. As a test I guess you could remove it from the list and restart the Launcher to see what happens. Digging a little deeper, we’re using Process.GetProcessesByName(). So, after stripping of the “.exe” we’re looking for “cmd” to be running.

that’s interesting… as I can’t seem to find any max or cmd related tasks.

I had this ingenious idea to make a print out of the running tasks to post here… but since this is done via CMD it kinda defeats the purpose…
So attached you’ll find screengrabs of the taskmanager and a text file with the print out done via CMD (which naturally includes CMD.exe instances)

no idea if you can recognize a false friend in this list?
tasklist.rar (1.3 MB)

Gotta run it through powershell :slight_smile:

It does look like you do have two "cmd.exe"s running though:

cmd.exe                      24964 Console                    1      3.600 K Unknown         3DNODE9\nixx                                            0:00:00 N/A                                                                     
cmd.exe                      28024 Console                    1      3.072 K Running         3DNODE9\nixx        

Not sure what the other one’s doing…

Yeah… i couldn’t see that one anymore in the screengrab which was made after I closed the CMD that makes the print out of the task list.

My guess was that the one spawned the other to print the list through the console?

Well, you can run stuff through powershell like so:


Made this in my home folder:


aah, good to know, will have a look when it’s done rendering (that’ll be tomorrow somewhere)


ok, good news… I think one of the auto software updaters was enabling a hidden cmd command window.
as through the powershell i indeed found a cmd window that didn’t show up in the taskmanager list.
I killed some updates in the task scheduler (and updated windows) and it seems to be fixed now

Never knew it was possible to hide processes from the taskmanager… thought it was all knowing…

Yeah… that’s kind of worrisome. :confused:

At least the Deadline issue is dealt with!