I am currently using Slave Scheduling to start and stop the Deadline Slave on our Workstations. Is there a way to make sure that a slave is also enabled when it starts up? Right now the slave start up correctly but if one slave is set to disabled, it won’t pick up any render jobs. It would also be great if it would be able to disable slaves via Slave Scheduling instead of shutting them down.
Cheers, Florian
The intention with disabling a slave is to ensure that it doesn’t get used under any circumstances, including if it is started via Slave Scheduling. Why would your slave be disabled in the first place? I’d like to understand your use case of disabling a slave but then wanting to use it? If you really need this workflow, I would have to check, but maybe a onSlaveStarted event callback could be used. However, what happens when you have disabled a slave for it NOT to be used, but then it gets started up and enabled automatically? This then works around the whole point of the “disabling” system and you would have to ensure slaves are deleted from your repo when not required and then re-created when needed as an alternative to “disabling/enabling”.
Hi Mike,
we use “disable slave” to stop slaves from picking up new jobs while we suspend the Maxwell jobs they are currently rendering. See this thread for details on the workflow.
“Diable slave” does have the advantage for us that it takes less mouse clicks to enable a slave in the monitor. We don’t really have the case where we do not want a workstation to join the render farm at night but I guess there are situations for it (rendering locally, caching particles etc…). But in these situations the miscellanious options could prevent a slave from being enabled.
I still think that the slave scheduling option would be more complete if they had the option to disable/enable vs. shutdown/start.
Cheers, Florian