slaves stuck at 96%

so with a fresh install of deadline I have 2 machines running in license free mode.

after rendering a cinema 4d job, running cycles4d render engine command.exe (the c4d command line/batch module) isn’t quitting. So every slave is stating that its at 96%. Even though the monitor AND the slave are reporting that the task was completed.

Any way to force that commandline .exe version to kill on complete?

I’ve seen the application hang after quitting with octane/redshift/cycles4d installed before… but if there is a way to terminate the process post ‘success’ so that the queue doesn’t get held up Id be thrilled.

I think this may be a bug in our EndJob call that should be fixed in SP3 (which should hopefully be released soon). In the mean time, can you try disabling batch mode and using larger task sizes to work around the problem?

Also, I had no idea Cycles had a third party bridge in C4D. Between that and Rhino it looks like it’s gaining a foothold (I’m a bit of a Blender fan here even if I can’t use it well :smiley:).

Ill give that a whirl. I already do framecount/2 for task size, so I Can’t go much higher unfortunately.will report back!

not using batch didn’t resolve it. doh.

would it be possible to create a script that terminates Commandline.exe after ‘success’ is scene? I assume thats what EndJob call would do though.

edit: just updated to and issue still persists. Is there a beta of SP3 that I could nibble on and see if its in fact fixed?

Hmm. Could we have a call next week? I’m out tomorrow, but I’ll be back on Monday. This seems like something we should try and figure out one on one.

absolutely shoot me an email - this username at me dot com.

Alrighty. Made a ticket for this so we can schedule something.