SMTD installer for Max 2021

This should be a quick one:
As there is no SDK break from Max 2020 to 2021, I’m assuming I can use all 2020 plugin installers for 2021. However, there doesn’t appear to be a custom path option in the SMTD installer to select the Max 2021 folder. Any advice on how to approach this? I’ve attempted to grab from 2020’s startup scripts but it looks like that won’t be enough to get it to work? I’ve gotten SMTD to show up in 2021 but when I submit to Deadline I get this error:

Initialize: Error: ERROR: Max startup files were not found in the Deadline Repository!

I also want to get the VRay DBR submission script working as well.

Thanks for helping me out!

I done mine since few time during beta of max, also supporting the python 3 switch inside 3dsMAX 2021 (require for sequence as texture), may be i should pack it to share with community.

Happy to try it out if it’s working well for you!

Non Official Build for Deadline (3dsMAXcmd and 3dsMAX pluggins), for 3dsMAX 2021.

should work if i well pack it…

(you still need to install it manually , see Deadline doc for this)!AkoK9zh_NzKfl5EdWUOpOARYiJs5sA?e=CRIQdX

Confirm working side by side with 2019/2020/2021
Note : there is an edit to check the Max build compare to thinkbox way, that’s because I need it to work with max beta… :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Come on Thinkbox.
This is not even SDK break release.
Could we get new installer, please?

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Just a head’s up, the latest version of Deadline has official support for Max 2021.



Putting your findings in front of the dev team is on my to-do list! It’s just a long list :smiley:

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IFL as texture, still no fix in 2021 with
We still need to edit

with this fix D10.1.6 error with max 2021 (python 2 -> python 3)

Any chance we will get VRay DBR for 2021?

“Any chance we will get VRay DBR for 2021?”


Amazon policy doesn’t let us reveal what’s on the roadmap or when it’ll get here.

You’ll have to keep an eye on our release notes instead. The release mailer can help with that.

“Any chance we will get VRay DBR for 2021?”

Is there any update on this yet? This is the last piece stopping our studio from moving forward on upgrading to Max 2021 and Vray5. I can understand not releasing info on new features or dates for said features, but some kind of feedback would be real nice right about now. I have upper management breathing down my neck now wanting answers as to why we can’t move forward and I have nothing I can tell then.
Is there someone we can contact and speak with directly that would give more info on this?

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Below is UI Only Support

You can add UI support for of VrayDBR in Max2021 by following below:

  • Install the VrayDBR Manually because it is not the part of installer. Explained here: Follow here: V-Ray Distributed Rendering — Deadline documentation

  • Then backup and replace the param file in /[repo]/plugins/VraySpawner/VraySpawner.param/ with the one attached in here. (2.4 KB)

  • Then test it.

  • For Vray 5, I think you can try adding the executable in the plugins configuration. Deadline Monitor> Tools> Configure Plugins> VraySpawner> Scroll down to Vray Standalone Exectable> Add Vray 5 Executable in here on a new line.

That seems to work. So far so good after a few test. Are there any known issues or areas of caution I should keep an eye out for?

And thank you very much with this response, you’ve made many people here at the office happy.

Thank you very much for posting this workaround. We are happy to deal with workarounds if that’s what it takes to get things working with the latest software. I’ve been desperately wanting DBR to work with 2021 for months and am delighted I finally have it!

You’re very weocome @andylewisart

Hey @Mike1

You are very welcome. If it’s working then you are good to go. You’d be able to submit and render jobs but any new features Max2021+VrayDBR might have are not supported so the render might fail on those new features.