I have newly installed machines and get the following error when hitting the Submit XSI to Deadline…
INFO : Script file: R:/DeadlineRepository\submission\XSI\XSIToDeadlineLogic.py
ERROR : Expected end of statement - [line 4]
ERROR : Property Page Script Logic Error (Microsoft VBScript compilation error)
ERROR : [2] (null)
ERROR : [3] import win32com.client
ERROR : >[4] from win32com.client import constants
ERROR : [5] Application = win32com.client.Dispatch( ‘XSI.Application’ )
ERROR : [6] XSIUtils = win32com.client.Dispatch( ‘XSI.Utils’ )
ERROR : Expected end of statement
Does anyone have a clue what’s going wrong?
Softimage 2011 SP1, Win7-64bit, Deadline 4.1 SP1
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
We got the problem solved on our own.
Softimage 2011 SP1 comes with it’s own Python installation.
Therefore we didn’t install Python the normal way.
Deadline was somewhat missing that default Python install,
so we simply pointed the Repository Options to the Python that got installed with Softimage…
This now works!
Hi Chris,
This error is a known Softimage problem, and isn’t actually related to Deadline:
I’m actually a bit surprised that configuring the repository option to point to Softimage’s installation of Python fixed the problem, because the integrated Softimage submission script make no reference to this setting in the repository options. Oh well, as long as it’s working.
Hi Ryan!
You are right - this wasn’t the problem.
Submission is working on another machine, but not on mine.
I tried the steps suggested in the thread you pointed me to, but that didn’t work either
(downloaded the files and installed them - one installer and one folder for pywin which i exspected to be placed on C: )
Also i get confused on which Python to use - this is really a headache for people who actually need “hazzle-free networkredering” ;o)
How can we solve this - i have to be able to submit my jobs propperly…
Hi Chris,
The info in that thread is the information we got from the Autodesk developers. This is a problem with Softimage, so unfortunately it’s out of our control. Once they fix it, things will be more hassle-free.
The workaround they gave us seems to work in most cases. Maybe try the following:
- Uninstall softimage, and the python stuff you installed separately.
- Install softimage again, install the Deadline submission script, and see if you still have the problem.
- If you do, then try installing that additional python stuff again, and see if you still have the problem.
- If you do, it might be best to contact Autodesk about this problem. Their developers were familar with the problem when we talked to them, so hopefully they can provide you with other options to try.
Hello Ryan!
The uninstall/reinstall immediately did the job.
Doing this i also got rid of the Softimage 2011 SP1 and went straight to the Softimage 2011 Advantage Pack - cleanup!
Thanks for your help!