But it may be that this isn’t a fatal error, in which case you can try disabling the error checking for the XSI and XSIBatch plugins to see if the job will actually render or not. To do this, enter Super User Mode in the Monitor and then select Tools -> Configure Plugins. For the XSI and XSIBatch plugins, disable the Strict Error Checking option. Now submit the job again and see if it renders properly.
If it does render properly, let us know, and we can modify the plugins to ignore this specific error going forward.
Looks like I’ve run into an problem with same invalid pointer thing.
Problem is that I have repository on that CentOS linux installed… no Mono there and there is no disable strict error option there at all.
Only empty paths.
Does taht mean that I must have Mono installed there or?
Old 3.1 version is still on that same computer and also no Mono but there is strict error button.
Any idea?
You can configure the plugin configuration from any machine that you can run the Monitor on, so you don’t need to have Mono installed on the repository machine.
If you still can’t see the strict error checking option from a different machine, can you send us a screen shot of what you do see?
Also I;ve noticed that when using repository on CentOS it took much longer for comps to start rendering,
but when using repository on win machine it starts almost right away.
On the side note, how much having repository on computer that is also rendering affects deadline performance? And does it at all?
Strange. Which version of Deadline are you running? I assumed you’re running Deadline 4.0 or 4.1. Also, can you zip up the XSI and XSIBatch folders in \your\repository\plugins\ and post them? We can take a look to see if anything is corrupted with your plugins.
I´m running Deadline4.1 and I also can´t see the checkboxes for strict error checking in my plugin options (repository on windows machine)
Having the problem mentioned by the thread starter with invalid pointer error message as well.
(provided screenshot by mirkoj shows how my configure plugins window looks).
Zipped Plugins folder (xsi + xsibatch) attached. plugins.rar (17.2 KB)
Thanks for those files. The problem is that the StrictErrorChecking setting in the dlinit file doesn’t have a value set for it, and this appears to confuse Deadline because it’s a boolean setting. I’m sure we can get Deadline to handle this better, but in the meantime, the workaround is pretty simple.
Open up the XSI.dlinit and XSIBatch.dlinit file and give StrictErrorChecking a value of false, like this:
Save the files, and you should now be able to change this setting from the plugin configuration.