Solidworks Visualize Boost

Anyone out there using Solidworks implementation of bunkspeed?

Looks like a Distributed / Team Render style approach to submitting Solidworks scenes.

I’ve requested a trial license so I can have a bash at getting this implemented via the custom submitter

checking to see if anyone else is interested in Solidworks and it’s renderer or whether anyone else has made a working plugin (or found any issues)

Will update when I get some free time to test this. need to read through this


So I’ve got a trial license and started making my way through these docs

create folder for custom plugin

create python file with default script

from Deadline.Plugins import *

## This is the function that Deadline calls to get an instance of the
## main DeadlinePlugin class.
def GetDeadlinePlugin():
  return solidworks()

## This is the function that Deadline calls when the plugin is no
## longer in use so that it can get cleaned up.
def CleanupDeadlinePlugin( deadlinePlugin ):

## This is the main DeadlinePlugin class for solidworks.
class solidworks (DeadlinePlugin):

  # TODO: Place code here instead of "pass"

create param file with default script

Category=About Plugin
Default=Solidworks Visualize Boost plugin
Description=Not configurable

Category=About Plugin
Description=Not configurable

Label=solidworks Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost\SWVisualize.BoostService.exe
Description=The path to the executable file used for rendering.

I’ve also extracted the icon file for the menu to look pretty

So far so good, solidworks shows up under the plugins option

Now the fun (hard) part of writing the code. I’ve noticed that running the executable I’ve specified from explorer fails to launch, it has a service installed that maybe the way to start it. On top of that it seems to request the license again, not sure if a standalone vs network license issue or something else I’ve missed.

Checked the service in task manager

Opened a command prompt in Administrator mode and tried stopping and starting the service and this worked ok and kept the license

Will have a look at the vrayDBR py file and see if I can cut and paste some bits out

found these also

need to create a submitter from the guide above


I just copied the vray spawner one and am butchering it with find and replace

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Starting and stopping services is quite tricky. The internal API only provides the ability to stop a process… For V-Ray Spawner/Swarm we support killing the process but we recommend just turning it off.