some questions


-any chance next beta update will have option to pick multiple spliens in prt hair?

  • any upcoming videos showing the frost foam kraka atmospher method and any tips on how to use the prt creator?
    -i remember talk about prt pflow, where u can directly turn pflow into kraka prt without having to cache, will that be implementeD?
    -is there any help on path deforming prt loaders on animated splines? i still cant figure it out the loader flys away all the time, will there be solution for prt loaders on animated splines?

thanks for your time

Supporting multiple nodes is a bit of a PITA, but we have logged that wish. Our first priority though is getting multiple nodes working in Magma again. After that, time will tell.

Yes, they are planned.
As for the PRT Creator, we still have a bit of work to do to make the fractal stuff accessible. I could post what I have right now and let you play with it, but the types of structures you will get will be too similar. The PRT Creator can also be used as a simple initial cloud to produce interesting stuff with Magma. I have some tutorials to prepare to show that, but it is quite cool (Not that you cannot do that with a PRT Volume, but PRT Creator is faster and it also has some additional channels that are useful).

Only if time permits. The idea is cool, but our reasoning is this: We want to finish the things that you cannot do through workarounds. For PFlow, a workaround exists (save to PRT files, then load and do whatever you want), so it is a bit lower priority than, say, shadow casting and adaptive sampling in KRAtmospherics. We don’t want to postpone the release of 2.0 too much, so a PRT PFlow could happen in a 2.1 release.

We have no idea what is going on. Path Deform is a Max Space Warp. We take the particles, turn them into a cloud of vertices and send them up the stack. We don’t really do the work, Max does. So there is very little we can do to change how deformations are performed, and if the result is wrong, even though it works with meshes, we might not be able to fix it. But we will try.

I have done this before. This works for me, what type of path deform are you using? The only issue I have ever had is the PRT object cannot be selected for some odd reason.


Am I missing something? Is it something else

no that is it johnny

can i send you my scene to check out?

whats your email

Sure send it my way.

My email hasn’t changed :wink: