Something wrong with the Radius channel

Hello everyone.
I have a problem with the radius channel in frost.
I have simulated a fluid in naiad and imported the particles into 3dsmax use prt-loader. I want to make a radius gradient by the velocity channel. it means that the particle with higher speed will have a small radius. I want to make more details for the liquid.

As the image i uploaded
I added a frost to mesh the particles and choose the Use Radius channel mode.
But the mesh is not right

Is that something wrong with my kcm?
It will be great if anybody can give me a hand.Thanks very much. :slight_smile:

First thing to try: In Frost, switch the Meshing Quality > Resolution from “Relative To Max. Radius” to “Absolute Spacing”. In your current setup, if you have both particles with Radius of 5.0 and 2.0, the 5.0 will be used as the basis for the meshing resolution. At default settings of 1.5 for the Viewport, the meshing will be based on 5.0/1.5 or 3.3333 which is not enough to catch droplets with Radius of 2.0 with enough precision. If you were on a frame where all particles were fast with radius of 2.0, the Relative To Max. Radius mode would change the resolution to 2.0/1.5 = 1.33333 to adapt to them, but when you have a large Radius variation, it is the wrong mode as it caters to the largest particles and can miss the small ones.

Once you have switched to Absolute Spacing, change the Viewport settings to at least 1.0 or even 0.5. This will produce a constant grid with the given spacing which should be enough to capture a particle with radius of 2.0 (diameter of 4.0). Also set the Render spacing to the same value, or to an even lower one if you want very rounded results.

Here is an image of a PRT file saved from PFlow using exactly the same MagmaFlow as your system. Top mesh is Relative with default settings, bottom is Absolute with Viewport Spacing of 1.0: