
every now and then, i get speckles in the frost mesh,

i know Kirby has contacted Paul on this issue before, the solution at the time was

  1. Go to the Material Editor.
  2. Select the Frost - Mercury-01 material
  3. In Maps:
    I. Enable the Bump map
    II. Set the Bump map to 100%
    III. Create a Normal Bump map for the Bump map slot
    IV. In the Normal Bump map:
    i. Change Method to World
    ii. Create a Vertex Color map for the Normal Bump map’s Normal slot
    iii. In the Vertex Color map:
  • Choose Map Channel: 2

i tried this, but not with frost mercury material, with a standard shader and a vray one,

the mesh turns black, with error frost has no UV coordinates,

i had this on another realflow sim as well with the frost mesh, problem seems to be with the zhubridson, the reason im using zhu in the case i am describing, i had to prt volume the anisotropic mesh, the shape and form was good but the surface was having ripples, which i could not get rid of with still keeping that tight mesh around particles, a thin layer of liquid, so i filled that anisotropic mesh with particles, zhubridsoning it now, and ive got a smooth surface now with shape of anisotropic but the speckles appeared :frowning: i also have speckles in another mesh, and we have delivery soon, what can we do?

The first thing I would try is to add a relax modifier.

The instructions you posted above require a special build of Frost. The filename is Frost_1.0.12.44459.zip. Note that it’s an older version of Frost that probably isn’t suitable for everyday use. Please let me know if you need a copy.

I understand that this is an issue, and fixing it is on our wish list.

theyre gone!

thanks :slight_smile:

You’re welcome! Glad to hear it.