Spot Instance Count Limit Exceeded

Hello everybody, I tried to get a spot fleet of 4 capacity Instances in g4dn.xlarge and g5.xlarge but instead, I got a maximum of 2. I have already increased my Service quotas (All G and VT Spot Instance Requests) to 8 but I Get the message ( Max spot instance count exceeded (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded; Proxy: null) again. What I need to do?

Hi. You need to increase your quota. IIRC, it is per vCPU, so the 8 you have currently is correct for 2 instances of either g4dn.xlarge or g5.xlarge since each has 4 vCPUs.

To see how many vCPUs per type: Compute – Amazon EC2 Instance Types – AWS

For example if you wanted 8 instances of type g5.xlarge, you’d have to ask for 32 (8 * 4 vCPU).

Thanks for the reply