SR close to release

we have been holding SR back until Krakatoa MY was nearly released, because there was a lot of confusion between the products. as we are close, we are going to be wanting some comments or quotes [i’m looking at you anatomical] about how SR can integrate with varied pipelines with it’s flexible APIs ;-p

respond here or pm me if you have some images, or comments for our PR machine. we’ll be using our PR firm to get product release across the usual print and online channels.



Arun and Sven would be better suited to describe the experience of developing with SR. I suspect with better documentation we could have moved faster. :slight_smile:

It’s still pretty neat to have Krakatoa rendering inside Fusion SO MUCH faster than in 3ds max, even without the PCache. We were able to observe a bug in the voxel rendering code that went unnoticed since 2.0 was released simply because no one could do interactive rendering of Krakatoa before. It’s pretty cool to just be able to move a light around and see the shadows, or to see changes in your depth of field settings, or see exactly what a shader is doing, all in realtime. It’s also cool to be able to do our matte renders and composite renders at the same time, so you can move a light and see the changes not just in one Krakatoa render, but in say 5 of them and then see the finished comp image update interactively. It’s a real hoot. Maybe we’ll have some cool demos to show in Anaheim.

We were extremly exited as the SR API appeared on the screen. For our current project (it’s called Tarzan) we switched our fluid pipeline to Naiad and searched for a way to do a high quality particle rendering. With the krakatoa API we were able to implement it as a new renderer based on the open source OpenMaya framework ( are created with the plugin.

Krakatoa SR plugin was easy to integrate with our existing toolset. We were able to get it rolling as a standalone renderer inside Eyeon Fusion without much effort.
The plugin is stable and the API is well documented, with enough examples and test scenarios to get one started.
We received constant support from the Thinkbox developer team. Conrad Wiebe, especially, helped us sort out many problems and
kept us updated on any new feature addition.
Our project started as a single tool and is being developed into a functional particle rendering pipeline inside Eyeon Fusion. Some of the test renders we
tried with this system (using Krakatoa SR) are available at … at-advent/.

Not all of those are krakatoa. We are preparing a packet that shows off what we have done with SR so far. I’m excited about getting krakatoa features in the package of our choice. We can’t wait to see what happens when the artists get their hands on it.

I look forward to seeing what you have prepared. It’s exciting to see Krakatoa in use outside of 3dsmax and Maya!

The great thing about KrakatoaSR is that it allows us to exploit the power of the Krakatoa particle renderer through a ridiculously simple API. We can just choose the channels we need, stream the particles to the renderer and see the results at an amazing speed. While the setup is easy, we haven’t even come close to try out all the features available in the renderer.

We use KrakatoaSR to integrate the particle renderer into the eyeon Fusion pipeline. This allows us to add, modify and merge channels of multiple particle streams along the way. After setting the camera and light positions in the scene and choosing the desired render settings we see immediate rendering results in the viewports. Fusion also allows us to easily reduce the number of particles during user interaction to keep interactive rendering rates at any time.