Can someone please point me to some clear documentation or something or help out with some guide here on installing these certificates?
I’m not really sure on process of these.
What is installed when and were, how you generate password needed and so on.
Documentation is a bit short on this topic and I’m probably missing something.
Ok I made some progress…
If this is correct way to do it…
While installing new deadline repository upgrade I had some issues connecting to existing mongoDB so went and created new ones and also add there SSL setting, created certificates and password and all.
After that clients couldn’t connect to repo without certificates so far so good.
Installed those on clients, put cert files into root C and pointing at them and they work.
But on couple other machines that are connecting to repository remotely it doesn’t work if I use certificate BUT it works without certificate.
So a bit confused here…
So to sum, machines in same local network with server and deadline repository requires certificate to connect to repository
Machines on another network accessing repository remotely over proxy doesn’t need certificate, even they don;t work if certificate is used same as with local network machines.