Good morning all,
Hopefully someone can help me out with this one, because I have been rapping my brain around this for months.
I have 1 out of 96 machines in my Render Farm that is constantly stalling… I cannot figure out why. I have imaged the machine and done clean installs. Same results. I changed both Xeon processors and the RAM in the machine… Same result.
Swapped out the Hard Drive, same result… I know its not necessarily deadline but I am confident I ruled out the hardware…
Seems to render it’s scenes fine, but when it finishes it’s sequence… It stalls…
Error Message
Current House Cleaner Information
MachineName: Render072
Version: v2.7.29178 R
slaveMachineName: Render072
slaveInfo.UpdateDateTime: 2008-05-16 00:59:47
DateTime.Now: 2008-05-16 01:03:47
Time Difference: 3.982 m
Job Name:
Task Names:
Task Ids:
do not have enough information to identify stalled job/task
need at least a job name or a task name.
attempting to check all active jobs to see if they have this slave rendering a task
slaveInfo.SlaveStatus set to Offline
slaveInfo.UpdateDateTime set to now
slaveInfo updated.
And than nothing…
Hey Jason,
Just to confirm, this slave renders its scene, then prints out this
stalled slave information, then sits there doing nothing? Also, the name
machine that is stalling is Render072? If this is the case, it would
appear that the slave is marking itself as stalled, which shouldn’t ever
happen (it’s up to the other slaves or Pulse if it’s running to do the
stalled slave detection). Please let me know if I have this all correct,
and we can go from there.
Maybe if you could post a full slave log from this slave that shows it
going from rendering to stalled, that could help.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software