Hey guys,
Just had a few questions on some features that I don’t think are present, but would be super useful for us:
- We’ve set up the auto timeouts, and they’re really great. However, we’ve been noticing a lot of jobs hanging on the “Starting Up” phase. It would be awesome if we could automatically set a maximum startup time to maximize proc time.
- We also noticed that jobs that have postjobs with failed frames show up as queued despite looking like they’ve failed since the postjobs don’t run without all the frames completing. Would it be possible to display these jobs as failed?
- I had a question about the behavior of Postload scripts and Postjob scripts. We’ve noticed that the postjob scripts don’t seem to run when the postload scripts are also set to run.
Hey guys,
Just giving this a little bit of a bump any chance of having “Starting up” timeouts at the very least?
Sorry Shem! Didn’t mean to let this one slip by like that.
We will be looking at adding “start up” timeouts to Deadline 7. We didn’t want to do it for 6.2 because we just want to focus on bug fixes and minor plugin/script improvements for that version.
Good question! Since the job state is based solely on the state of its tasks, I wonder if in this case we should automatically fail the post job task (which would in turn fail the job). We’ve logged this, and we’ll try to address it for 7.0.
I’m not quite sure I follow here. Deadline only has pre/post task and pre/post job scripts, as well the JobPreLoad.py and PluginPreLoad.py scripts for plugins. Did you mean one of these when you said “Postload”?
Hey Russell,
Thanks for the info about those features, and sorry for my late reply.
The last one was something that was logged by one of our users here; he appended a maxscript on to the beginning of his vray renders (Post Load). It didn’t seem to run if there was a Python set to run after the completion of the job. I guess this was more of a survey to see if you’d seen this behavior or if it was a “feature” that could be turned on and off. It’s been a while, so let me give this one another test.