Stats for frame render time

In the new statistics window there is a stats for the average task render time.

It would be great to have the average frame render time as well. By parsing the frame per task and getting the time per frame for each task then doing an average.

Personaly I think that the average task render time is a bit meaningless in many cases. Where the average frame render time is always pertinent.

Unfortunately, when Deadline renders a chunked task, it tells the

renderer to render frames i to j as one command, as opposed to rendering

each frame individually. Because of this, Deadline is unaware of when

individual frames are complete for chunked tasks.

We could simply take the total time and get the average based on the

frame count, as well as the task count, and display both.

If you analyse the chunk frame list, can’t you find if it was only 1 frame or many frames? by checking for the -?

if the chunk frame have a - then there are many frames. geting the number before and the one after and substacting them to get the number of frame the chunk contained.

Yah, that’s what we’re going to do. I was just saying that Deadline

can’t get the exact per-frame timings for chunked tasks, but we can get

the average frame time per chunk.

ho sorry I didn’t understand at first.

So yes that would be a good thing to have. I would like to have this stat in the email report as well.

We are thinking of building a small software to gather the information sent by the job completion report email so we can have more information on the render farm performance, render time wasted, etc.

The render time per frame statistic would be important for us.

Thanks a lot.
