AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

status sorting different if job group display is off

It appears that if the job grouping is turned off in the viewports, the status sorting behaves differently then expected.

Normally, when sorting by status ‘backwards’, you get the jobs up top with the most nodes rendering it, then queued jobs, then pending, etc.

Now, with job grouping off, we get an odd behavior where in ascending mode, you get rendering tasks first, but in ascending order, then queued, pending etc (dont get confused by the sorting icon, this is ascending):


When in descending mode, rendering jobs come at the very bottom of the list, instead of the top. Also, the listed statuses are also backwards compared to the deadline6 behavior:


For reference, deadline6 behavior :


Another issue that might be related to this problem (and also this thread: viewtopic.php?f=206&t=12804 ), is that I’ve noticed that the Status column, when job grouping is turned ON, has a “normally behaving” sorting icon in the column, while all others are reversed. The icon looks like a regular pyramid when ascending, and an upside down pyramid when descending. But only for the status column. Deadline6 also has “reverse” behavior in the status column only (ascending pyramid when showing descending status).

Thanks for reporting this! The sort order is definitely backwards for the rendering jobs, however, I found this behavior to be consistent regardless of whether or not the job grouping display was enabled or disabled. We’ve fixed it internally already, and the fix will be included in 7.1.


Actually, scratch that, I was able to reproduce the difference when job grouping is enabled. The problem in my original test was that the jobs I was comparing weren’t in batches. This will be fixed too!

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