Sticky settings are no longer "forced" ??

Since upgrading from Deadline- to Deadline- a lot of users have been having problems with the sticky settings not being applied to old scenes?

If I start a new scene the settings are ok … but if I then change one, save the file and open it again… the sticky settings are no longer forced as they were in the old build?
Has something changed, could rpmanager be to blame?

if we unload deadline (switch to backburner in rpmanager) and switch back to deadline, the stickies are applied … but that’s a rather annoying thing to do for most users :slight_smile:

hope this makes sense!
(I have attached the .ini files, don’t know if they could be to blame?)
SubmitMaxToDeadline_Defaults.ini (4.31 KB)
SubmitMaxToDeadline_StickySettings.ini (4.33 KB)

is this: … 720515/0#1

the solution?

does not look like it was …

I just did a quick test, and I wasn’t able to reproduce what you are seeing. Perhaps I am doing something differently.

These are the steps I used:

  1. Submitted a max scene using frames-per-task (a sticky setting) of 1.
  2. Saved, closed max and reopened the file. The frames-per-task remained one.
  3. Then changed frames-per-task to 5 and submitted
  4. Saved, closed max and then reopened.
    …The setting showed up as 5 the next time I opened, so it was properly remaining sticky in my test.

Is there some steps you have that can show how we can reproduce what you’re seeing on our end? If so, I’ll give it a try and see what the issue is.

I think some of the issues can be traced to user errors where max has not been closed, so if you change something (like setting it to tile render)…
save your scene open another scene, hit render on that… you are still getting a tile render… where you would have gotten a full frame if you had closed max before you opened the file!

I think most users think that if they saved a max file with full frame selected, that is what they will get when they open the file again the next day!

hope this makes sense!?

The current implementation of SMTD itself does NOT save these settings in the MAX scene AT ALL. (It has been requested, and I think some might have even modified their SMTDs to do it, but we have not yet). The only thing that sticks with the scene file is the last Jigsaw tiles definition. However, all other sticky settings are generally stored to a user-specific INI file, so if you switch to Tile rendering, and the tile mode is set to sticky, it will stick for all future scenes, no matter what you save or not save.

However, the above applies to pure vanilla SMTD. I have no idea how RPM handles that, as I have never ever used RPM myself :blush:
I suspect that it might be capturing all the SMTD settings and storing them with its passes, and thus storing/restoring them as the MAX scene is saved/loaded.

It is on my ToDo list for some upcoming Deadline version to revise the sticky settings systems and allow any setting to be per-file as opposed to being inter-session sticky.

The current system actually lets you disable the stickiness of nearly any control via a global INI file in the Repository. So if you want the Tile rendering option to never stick and always revert to full frames when SMTD is restarted, you can go to your Repository\submission\3dsmax\Main folder, open the file “SubmitMaxToDeadline_StickySettings.ini”, locate the section

[MultiRegionRendering] RegionRenderingMode=true AssemblerOverride=true AssemblerPoolName=true AssemblerPool2Name=true AssemblerGroup=true AssemblerPriority=true
and change the RegionRenderingMode=true to RegionRenderingMode=false. This will make the state of the drop-down list not sticky between SMTD sessions for every artist using that Repository.

Hope this helps.

thanks … this makes sense, I think :slight_smile:
will see if I can figure out what RPM does and does not store between sessions…

thanks again!