Stitch Config Problem

Hi All,

A quick query - I’m almost there with my manual submission of stitching, but I feel like I have one final problem. In the docs there are two examples - one is to stitch a specific image output, and the other is to scour the folder in question and stitch any images that fit the prefix filter and also the file extension. I’m trying to do the latter.

Here’s a slightly anonymised version of the config that I’m using for a 3x3 tile stitch:

TileCount = 9
DistanceAsPixels = false
TilesCropped = false
ImageFolder = X:\My\Render\Folder
ImageExtension = exr
Tile0Prefix = tile0
Tile0Width = 0.333333
Tile0Height = 0.333333
Tile0X = 0.0
Tile0Y = 0.666667
Tile1Prefix = tile1
Tile1Width = 0.333333
Tile1Height = 0.333333
Tile1X = 0.333333
Tile1Y = 0.666667
Tile2Prefix = tile2
Tile2Width = 0.333333
Tile2Height = 0.333333
Tile2X = 0.666667
Tile2Y = 0.666667
Tile3Prefix = tile3
Tile3Width = 0.333333
Tile3Height = 0.333333
Tile3X = 0.0
Tile3Y = 0.333333
Tile4Prefix = tile4
Tile4Width = 0.333333
Tile4Height = 0.333333
Tile4X = 0.333333
Tile4Y = 0.333333
Tile5Prefix = tile5
Tile5Width = 0.333333
Tile5Height = 0.333333
Tile5X = 0.666667
Tile5Y = 0.333333
Tile6Prefix = tile6
Tile6Width = 0.333333
Tile6Height = 0.333333
Tile6X = 0.0
Tile6Y = 0.0
Tile7Prefix = tile7
Tile7Width = 0.333333
Tile7Height = 0.333333
Tile7X = 0.333333
Tile7Y = 0.0
Tile8Prefix = tile8
Tile8Width = 0.333333
Tile8Height = 0.333333
Tile8X = 0.666667
Tile8Y = 0.0

And the renders are all called “_tile0_RenderOutput.exr”, “_tile1_RenderOutput.exe” etc. It’s a multichannel EXR, so there’s only one to stitch.

The problem is that I’m getting an error in deadline of KeyError: 'ImageFileName'. My understanding was that the ImageFileName parameter was only required if you were using the first option in the docs, to stitch a specific image output. I assume I’m missing a property or something that definitively tells it which form to use, but I can’t work out what.

Any ideas?


edit: It’s formatting my underscores in the quotes into italics! But the config file has "Tile7Prefix = _tile7_ etc!

Hey Dan,

So I have an idea on why this is failing. Would you mind trying to remove the white space surrounding the equals signs in your config file. (“TileCount=9” instead of “TileCount = 9”) it looks like we aren’t currently stripping the whitespace.


Bam, this was it. Perfect! Those are my favourite problems - easy to fix and remind me how stupid I am. Double win.