Stoke for Max 2019?

Hi guys,

Any update on a timeline for Stoke for 2019?


Not at the moment unfortunately. I’ve added you as in interested party internally here.

Please add me as well

Done. I’ll keep adding folks as I see them here.

Any news yet on Stoke for Max 2019?

Give us some news guys

Interested as well…

Desperately need Stoke to be updated now!

Same here. Or just tell us that there is no more 3dsmax plugins. Except Deadline. This way we could rethink our tools and totally switch to TP or TyFlow. Right now we are in poor hopes, not knowing if pay for your product further or not.

Please do let us know one way or another. If the thinkbox plugins have been abandoned, you should tell us now. We have paid you many tens of thousands of dollars over the years. I think you owe it to us to let us know what the future holds.

Yes, it’s very important for us too. These were our only options for some very important workflows.

Hi everyone,

Stoke MX 2.5.2 has just been released. It adds support for 3ds Max 2019 and 2020 as well as FumeFX 5. The full change log is available here:

The installer can be downloaded from our download site:

The license version has been updated to 2.5, so please contact sales for new licenses via


Amazing. Finally! Now xmesh please…

We’ve just released that today (1.7.0). You’ll need to contact sales for a 1.7 license if you use the saver.

Great, just purchased a renewal. Any hope for the last one - the mighty Frost for 2020? I’ve already paid for it in advance…

Great, about time! Thanks

Done. It will require a new Frost MX 2.3 license to use.

How about 3dsmax 2021? :slight_smile:

The 2020 build works in 2021.

  • Locate the plugin.ini file of 3ds Max 2021, e.g. “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\en-US\plugin.ini”
  • Change its Properties > Security permissions to allow you Write access.
  • Add the line Stoke MX=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Stoke MX\3dsMax2020\ to it.
  • Save it (step 2 comes to fruition here).

In fact, this is true for all 2020 plugins. Here is part of my 2021 plugin.ini file:

XMeshSaver-MX=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\XMeshSaver MX\3dsMax2020\x64
XMeshLoader-MX=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\XMeshLoader MX\3dsMax2020\x64
Stoke MX=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Stoke MX\3dsMax2020\
Krakatoa=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa MX\3dsMax2020\
Frost=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Frost MX\3dsMax2020\x64