Here is an updated build of Stoke MX 2.0. We are approaching release.
We have a couple of small issues to fix before uploading a final build, but this is almost there.
Let’s see if you can find and report the things we intend to fix, or discover something we might have missed!
Stoke Field Objects now support fast point drawing in 3ds Max 2015 with Nitrous using DirectX 9. (not supported in DX 11 or earlier Max versions). Performance is orders of magnitude higher that the old system.
Stoke Field Display modifier now supports optional Point Size control in 3ds Max 2015 with Nitrous using DirectX 9. The Point Size checkbox and spinner are disabled when unsupported.
The maximum number of point markers per object is now set to 1 million in Max 2015, otherwise to 100,000. When this threshold is reached, automatic Reduction will kick in. This is set in the Stoke startup script and is exposed to MAXScript for customization.
Added basic exposure of Noise and VecNoise controls to the command panel. This means the Noise settings can now be tweaked from the command panel without opening the Magma Editor.
When exporting a Stoke Field to FXD format using Stoke Field Data Exporter, a CREATE_FUMEFX_*.MS MAXScript file is now created in the output folder that can remake a FumeFX Grid with the correct grid size and location if dragged in or executed via MAXScript>Run Script…
[size=150]UI Changes[/size]
Moved the conversion buttons to the bottom of the rollout for Logic ops and IntersectRay/NearestPoint.
Added presets to the Field Loader “Cache in MB” spinner.
[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]
The Field to VDB grid code was rewritten to be properly thread-safe.
Fixed the switching to existing caches in Stoke Field Simulator. Previously, switching to a previous cache was broken and required the reloading of the scene.
Fixed Fields with empty bounds to not mess up the viewports due to infinite bounding box size.
Fixed the title bar of the Magma Editor to distinguish between BLOP and LOOP compounds.
Fixed ParticleQuery channel list which was not showing particle channels, and Available Only was producing wrong output (first letters). All due to change in the format the channel names are reported (one string vs. array of values)
Fixed the Switch node not to expose a socket type for the control input
Fixed ParticleSplat to show “Available Channels” option
Fixed QuatToVectors, EulerAnglesToQuat, Curve, Advect, ToSpace, FromSpace to hide the socket type dropdown list
Entering a new version string manually now creates a new folder. This fixes the problem of the version number changing when the type list was changed (and in some other cases).