This is the Beta 2 build of Stoke 2.3:
(Attachment removed)
It requires the same Stoke v2.3 license as Beta 1 - contact our Sales team if you don’t have a license.
The main change in this Beta drop is the addition of a Stoke Field Mesher object which can turn scalar fields and level sets to mesh surfaces.
[size=200]Changes Since Stoke MX 2.3 Beta 1[/size]
[size=150]Stoke Field Mesher[/size]
The new Stoke Field Mesher object is based on the OpenVDB Mesher.
It takes a valid Stoke Field source object and converts a specified scalar field to an iso-surface mesh.
Valid sources are Stoke Field Loader, Stoke Field Magma, Stoke Field Simulator, and any mesh with a Stoke LevelSet modifier.
Any relevant fields including Selection, Color, TextureCoord and Mapping channels will be propagated to the mesh.
Currently available options are:
Field Mesher rollout
Enable in Viewport - when unchecked, the mesh will not be created in the viewports, but can still be rendered.
Display - Mesh or (Bounding) Box. More options to come…
Icon display and size
Velocity To Map Channel controls - when checked, the Velocity will be copied to the specified Mapping channel.
Apply Object Transforms - when checked, the transforms of the Mesher will be applied to the resulting mesh. Otherwise, the mesh will respect the world space data of the source field.
Source rollout
Field Source
Options button - opens a context menu with useful source-related functionality: [list]
[*] Select Field Source
Viewport Quality > Sampler - controls the field sampling method used when the Resolution is not 1.0
Viewport Quality > Resolution - controls the mesh resolution relative to the source’s grid resolution.
Render Quality > Use Viewport Settings - when checked (default), the render mesh will use the same quality settings as the viewport.
Render Quality > Sampler
Render Quality > Resolution
Flip Normals - when meshing a Level Set field, the resulting mesh will have its normals pointing inwards. Checking this option will flip the normals to produce the expected surface with normals pointing outwards.
[size=150]Stoke Menu[/size]
The Stoke Menu Creator has been updated to support sub-menus
A new sub-menu includes the Genome macro scripts for adding an empty or preset modifier.
[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]
Birth and Per-Step Magma evaluation were not supported on Deadline in Beta 1, this has been fixed.
Partitioning with Birth and Per-Step Magma was not working in Beta 1, this has been fixed.