Stoke MX 2.3 Beta 3 - October 27, 2016

This is the third beta build of Stoke MX 2.3, mainly fixing a bug in particle channel acquisition of the Stoke Particle Simulator, but also tweaking a lot of UI details in the Stoke Field objects.

(Attachment removed)

[size=200]Change Log[/size]

[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]

  • The StokeGlobalInterface.CreateKrakatoaGenerator() function was broken and caused a system exception. As result, the Stoke Particle Simulator showed no channels on the Channels To Save list. This has been fixed.

[size=150]New UI Features And Tweaks[/size]
Stoke Field Loader

  • A new dotNet ListView control showing the Grid Size, Spacing, Bounding Box Size, and all channels of the selected Field has been added.
  • When the selected file is not part of a file sequence (no trailing frame digits in the file name), the Load Single Frame Only option will be checked automatically.
  • When the Stoke Field Loader is created manually by clicking in the viewport (as opposed to SHIFT+menu to create at the origin), the Apply Object Transforms option will be checked automatically to ensure the field is loaded where the user clicked and not at the world origin.
  • Some controls have been tweaked to appear at better positions in 3ds Max 2017+
  • Added an “ADD Stoke DISPLAY Modifier” option to the [>>] menu to speed up access to the display modifier since it is useful for filtering out LevelSet data.
  • Added a Select Dependent Objects button which opens a menu to select any object that uses the Stoke Field Loader as a source.

Stoke Field Magma

  • The Grid Info field has been split into two rows - Grid: and Size:.
  • The Size will now use Integer64, so billions or trillions of voxels will be displayed correctly.
  • Comma delimiters have been added, so 1234567890 will now appear as 1,234,567,890.
  • The License status has been removed, since the Stoke Field Magma does not acquire one (only the Particle and Field Simulators actually cause a license to be checked out), and the Field Magma claimed “unlicensed” most of the time.

Field Data Viewer dialog

  • The total count display in the info line now uses Integer64 to show more than 2 billion voxels correctly.
  • Comma delimiters have been added, so 1234567890 will now appear as 1,234,567,890.