strange Monitor 10 GUI glitches

Hi, We’re running full steam over here and I’m starting to see some Deadline 10 glitches in the GUI.

the circled jobs are ONE job.

Don’t know where to start troubleshooting things on this. What log files should I send along?

However, these are the same job because if I do any action to one of them… the other set react at the same time. They also all render on the same machines at the same time with the same percentage - so I think this is a purely visual glitch but I don’t know where it comes from. I have a Pulse running on a separate machine that is not rendering, and all the connections seem OK - if I tell it to perform some repository cleanup it reports that everything’s OK.

It isn’t impacting actual rendering, as far as I can see.

Well, the glitch has gone away after a day or so of sitting there.

Is my repository not able to keep up? Is there a way to check to see if it is getting hammered? Looking at the processes on the repository, nothing is getting taxed at all.

If I were to guess, this would be a bug between the Qt data model the Monitor is keeping behind the scenes about the state of the farm, and the QTableView that’s displaying it. There won’t be any logs for this one. That’s a first for me, but I’ll go ask someone who’s been around that code lately to see if they might have an idea.

Is anyone else seeing this one?