Is there any way to get Deadline to do sub-frame rendering with 3dsmax?
If I had a script so that the artist could ‘animate time speed’, I can easily get it to render locally with a script, but then this becomes massively complicated to use over the network as we’d need to set up ranges, individual scripts for each machine and run maxscript jobs.
You would have to submit maxscript jobs to do this. However, there is a property in the DeadlineUtil interface to get the current frame. For example:
local du = DeadlineUtil
local currFrame = DeadlineUtil.CurrentFrame
du.LogMessage( "Rendering frame: " + (currFrame as string) )
So I would imagine you could write a general maxscript to do this…
So perhaps a quick lookup table could surfice.
theframes = #(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)
local du = DeadlineUtil
local currFrame = theframes[DeadlineUtil.CurrentFrame]
du.LogMessage( "Rendering frame: " + (currFrame as string) )
Render() --
Is there a way to hack something similar into the standard deadline submitter/Renderer… It would be nice if we didn’t loose all of the nice things like render element handling that Deadline does by standard.
For instance, could a pre-frame script be used to change the variable for what frame was being rendered?
I was thinking that each task (represented by a full frame) would render all sub frames. For example, task 0 would handle frames 0 to 0.9, or something. For long renders though, I can see how that wouldn’t be ideal.
There really isn’t a way to hack this into the current submitter, since Deadline itself works with full frames only.
I may be naive here, but could you just render full frames and then increase the frame rate?
Well the idea is if we’re slowing down and speeding up time, to avoid having to render out at rediculous frame rates, We can’t just slow down our animation in 3dsmax as we’ve got simulations and effects that need to be simulated in real-time, and also you then start to get some motion blur issues. I think we’ve worked out a little bit of a workaround now