Subdivide Tiles during Render

Sometimes we get into the situation where one particular tile is taking ages, and our guys would like to be able to select this tile and say ‘Subdivide to 10x10’ for example. Now that we have the draft assembler surely this should be possible?

Create a new job based on the subdivided regions…
Read the Tile Assembly File, insert new Tile regions, re-write new Assembler Job Info.

Simples :wink:

Are you guys using Jigsaw to split up your tile renders? It can already be used to subdivide tiles before submitting the job to Deadline.


An after submission jigsaw job method to subdivide tiles further would be very cool.

Oooh, yes this would be good. Right click on a tile task, and resubmit with a tile sub split.

Also… not something I’ve thought through fully, but a one click way to submit the pre caching as one job, followed by the tile render job using the just-rendered-caches would be cool.

What would you expect to see happen to the original task that is just about to be sub-divided? Suspend that task, then that allows you to track which tasks were subsequently sub-divided, or “Complete” or just “Fail” the task?

Caching jobs can already be supported via using State Sets in 3dsMax. Create 2 x State Sets, the first one is the cache job, the 2nd job is the render job and nest the State Sets. We still have more work to do here, to fully support some of the elaborate things we do (in SMTD) which don’t fully play nicely with State Sets just yet.

I reckon suspend the original task would be clearest, or perhaps have deadline ask whether to suspend it or leave it going but I guess that would confuse the merge job.

Yep, agreed, suspend seems the most logical. I need to do some more thinking on how to get this all working and be general enough to support any of our ‘Jigsaw’ enabled 3D apps.

I would actually vote to leave the original tile rendering just incase it finishes first, when the pressure is really on a deadline, it can sometimes be a whole tile that is rendering slowly or just one bucket, so you want to place your bets both ways.