Submit vrscene from Maya

Hi there,
right now our workflow looks like this:

  1. Export vrscene from Maya
  2. Open Deadline Monitor and submit the vrscene as s Vray Standalone job
  3. A lot of settings have to be changed in the submit dialog for each job.

I would like to be able to export the vrscene and submit it to deadline in one go from within Maya. I do know that this can be done via the Maya submission script but it requires to install Maya on the whole farm. That is something I would like to avoid.

One option would be to add a “local vrscene export” option to the Maya submit script. This would be great because it would not be necessary to install Maya on the farm. And usually exporting a vrscene does not take very long.

Another option would be to script a custom submitter. This would be a good option since I could set a lot of the values automatically and exporting and submitting would be pretty much a one click operation.
Can this be done with Python? I noticed that the Maya submit script (SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel) is written in MEL.
Any pointers to where in the documentation I should start looking?
Are there any sample scripts I could reuse?

Cheers, Florian

Well, we’ll start with you using the “Maya Export” job type, and we can go onto custom scripting when you’re comfortable with that one.

Here’s the info for the export, it’ll do exactly what you want I think. Works great for a lot of people: … export-job

Hi Edwin,
the Export Job requires Maya to be installed on the Farm, right? I would like to avoid this. I’d like to keep the rendernodes as light as possible plus we are using some scripts to do some custom vrscene exports that would not work with this setup.

So scripting it is. More fun anyway!

Cheers, Florian

Weird… There’s no ‘local export’ option for V-Ray… You could do something crafty like run a Slave locally to do the export and make sure the job that does the export only runs on your workstation. I don’t like it, but it’s likely less effort.

I’ll go ask why we don’t have a local export option like we do for Arnold and Mental Ray.

I guess I could also use “Limits” so only Workstations with Maya installed would export the .vrscene.

It would be great if the local export could be added.

Agreed! I’ll go add that as a request. For now, I think your idea is the best route forward there. It would also save you the little bit of wait while those vrscenes are created and copied over.

Any news on this?

Cheers, Florian