Submitter Installer can't find Client bin directory

I’ve set up my Database, Repository, and Client installs, and have the client connecting with repository correctly.

However, when I go to install a submitter on the client machine (OSX), I get the error that deadline can’t run deadlinecommand.exe.

I can confirm that my client is installed at /Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline10/, and I am selecting the Resources directory in the selection box, but I still can’t the error. Stranger, I have successfully installed a different Submitter on this machine.

Any help would be appreciated.

Which application are you trying to get a submitter installed for? It could be that deadlinecommand is being found, but throwing an error and the submitter installer taking any failure in the call to deadlinecommand as a failure to find the executable.

If you check the application plugin page for your application, there should be manual installation steps you can take. Those steps will have you manually do what the installer is trying to do, which is typically copy and paste a couple files.

This was for Cinema 4D, and it turns out it was an error on my end regarding proper file permissions for the SMB share for the repository.