Is it possible to submit a job to different versions of maya installed on slave machines?
For example I have 2 versions of maya installed, 2019 for using arnold renderer, but I also have maya 2016 installed to use Mental Ray which is no longer supported in newer versions of maya. Is it possible to submit to each version depending on which maya version im using?
In the maya submitter, there Should be a “Version” key , this should have a dropdown of all the versions that your version of deadline supports.
This will define which render executable it uses.
You can configure these in the plugin settings:
Ah, I see I was looking in the maya integrated submission script, not the launcher submission script, thank you.
If I submit from the integrated submissions script will it submit the job is whichever version it is respectively being submitted from? (ex 2016 will submit a 2016 job, while 2019 will submit a 2019 job?)
Also what version of deadline can support maya 2019? I know its brand new…
The submission scripts should pick the version for you based on the maya session.
For 2019, im sure the amazing folks at Think box are working to make a submitter for this .
If you or your studio has a python person, updating the submitter to work with 2019 shouldnt be too hard.
The version will indeed be baked in. You’ll see it as “Version=” in the “Submission Params” in the “Modify Job Properties” window.
For 2019 support, I’m not sure where it’s at but I’ll add you to the list.
Thank you both, just what I needed to know!