suggestion for Shadow Explorer

Hi together,

wouldnt it be nice to have a rightclick menu on each light in the shadow explorer for turning on/of lights/shadows and the possibilitie to change the shadow type? Like the LightLister…


in this course I found out that i you change the shadow map to Krakatoa shadows it will not be reflected in the shadow explorer. Other enginen does. Its a bit confusing for me a also it reflects only the geoshadows, do it?

You can turn on/off the shadows, but from the menu bar above it. If you want it in right-click menu, I can duplicate it there. There are reasons why there isn’t a right-click menu - many of the menu options are very long and there are too many options that would require cascading sub-menus, plus right-clicking could affect the existing selection on the list. As it is, you make you selections, then you use the top menu on it.

You can change the shadow type to Krakatoa and back to whatever Geometry shadows type you had before.

You cannot change the Geometry shadow type, but it is theoretically possible. I would have to build a dynamic menu though because the shadow types can vary depending on plugins, and that’s quite annoying. Also, the tool is called “Krakatoa Shadows Explorer”, so it was mainly designed to switch Krakatoa Shadows on and off, while preserving whatever Geo.shadows you already had. But it does not reflect just the Geo.Shadows, since the column “Krakatoa” YES/no shows whether Krakatoa Shadows have been assigned or not (that’s the main purpose of the tool, after all).

There is a Refresh! option, but I could remove it and register a callback to update whenever lights are changed. There is no specific callback for shadow changes though, so I would have to jump through some hoops, but I know how to do it. The Light Lister does not update if you change anything in the lights unless you press “Refresh”, so I am not the only one doing that… :wink:

EDIT: Added the callback, now changing anything in the light will refresh the explorer.