tiny workflow thing; maya 7 has some preset variables you can use in your output render name. Ours looks like this:
that means if I render the shadow pass of shot sh00212A_tk07_me.mb, the output render will look like
deadline has no problems with this in terms of actual rendering, but if you right click on a job and try to run ‘explore output’, its greyed out, as deadline thinks the folder isn’t valid.
I can copy the output file, and trim off the variable names, but was wondering if this could be added to deadline? Yes, its completely nitpicky and silly…
In other news, I saw in the prefs mention of image viewer paths. I couldn’t see any right-click option to view frames on our jobs though. Am I missing something obvious?
Hey Matt,
We’ve added the Maya feature to the wishlist. Glad to hear that it at least doesn’t mess up rendering.
For the image viewing, are you submitting your Maya jobs through the Monitor or from inside Maya? The image viewing will only work when submitting from Maya directly. Also, we found that each renderer seemed to have its own way of setting up the output path, so in the current version of Deadline and earlier, it might be possible that Deadline is building the output path properly. The new version should handle the output paths properly for all Maya renderers, and allow you to view the images from the Monitor.
BTW, are you right-clicking on the individual tasks, or the job? The option is only available from the task right-click menu.
- Ryan
Ah, great to hear.
And yes, I was clicking on tasks that had been submitted through the monitor, now that I click on jobs submitted through maya, I see the view image option. Although that doesn’t work due to the render variables.
Just a note, I implemented this naming convension in previous version, but since the Tile rendering have been added to Deadline, it was no longer possible to use naming convention.
So what I am trying to say is this might be problematic with tile rendering. Since each tile will use the same naming convention and might override each other.
Unless Deadline can add the “tile #” string to the naming convention string.
Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision