AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Suspend job option for multiple selection

Feature request from one of our artists:

"Currently with multiple jobs selected in a Job view, the right click menu only shows the Suspend Job option if all selected jobs have a Rendering status.
It might be nicer if the Suspend Job option is visible if just one or more of the selected jobs are Rendering. Any Completed or Failed jobs in the selection would be unaffected.
Example: You have lots of jobs you want to suspend, but there are a few already completed. Currently you have to pick out the completed jobs from your selection first. "

I think we’ll ultimately get there at some point. We’ve had this requested a few times and I think it will improve usability when we eventually make the change. We probably don’t want to change this in a minor release, so we can tentatively put it on the roadmap for 8.0.


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