AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Suspended jobs - time not added to job statistics?

We are building solution to track render times per show, using job statistics and event plugins.

This is working for jobs that Complete, but currently when job is Suspended and no frames have completed, the data doesn’t get added to Deadline job statistics, even though there was wasted time.

Hey Brian,

Yes, currently only completed jobs have their stats logged. In addition, only the times from completed tasks are logged as well. So if, for example, a task is repeated 5 time before it’s successful, only the time from the last attempt is logged because Deadline doesn’t track the previous attempts.

In event plugins, the job statistics calculating function also only takes completed tasks into account.

What we should be doing though is including the wasted time from error and requeue reports when calculating job statistics. We’ll log this as a request and we should be able to address it during the 6.2 beta.


Sounds good. We definitely want to account for those hours, whether they bear fruit or not :wink:

One other question - are the job statistics processed after all the event plugins? We had to insert a delay between receiving event plugin and querying job statistics collection.

Thanks Ryan!

Hey Bryan,

The job statistics are stored in the database after the event plugins are processed. However, when you call JobUtils.CalculateJobStatistics(), that recalculates the stats, rather than pulling from the job stats collection in the database.


Hey Ryan, I saw this note in beta 3

  • JobUtils.CalculateJobStatistics() now includes wasted time due to errors and requeues.

We’ve been running Beta 7 since last week, it looks like stats are still only added on job complete. If job is suspended or fails, the job doesn’t get added to job statistics. We are quering mongo database db.JobStatistics.find_one({"_id": ‘535808331566de4a214965b0’}) we see results for completed job ID but nothing for failed/suspended. Just checking does that sound correct for where we’re at right now?

Hey Bryan,

You are correct. The job stats are still only logged for completed jobs, so that’s something we’ll need to address in the future.


Hey Ryan just checking in on this, any chance this will be looked at during 7.x?

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