Task Double-Click Action (ViewImage)


The double click action on task (ViewImage) doesn’t work for me!
I have tried with the default viewer (FastStone) and a custom viewer (Pdplayer).

It works with the “RemoteConnectSlave” function.
I work on windows 7 x64 and it’s the same problem for Deadline 3.1, 4.0, 4.1!

If you have an idea … I take it!

Hi Michael,

Which application are you rendering with (Maya, Max, etc)? The View Image option is not supported by all applications. A good way to check if this is supported for the application is to right-click on the completed task in the Monitor and see if there is the option to view the output image (see attached screen shot).

If you don’t see this menu item, that would explain why the double-click option doesn’t work.


Hi Ryan,

I made my test with a simple 3dsMax scene (vray render - output JPEG)
Maybe the problem is; inside my max scene the output is set to a “mapped network drive”?


Hi Michael,

Strange. In the screen shot you posted, what happens when you click on the Default Viewer menu item? Does that work?

Do you get an error message, or does nothing happen at all? I just confirmed that this works with the 4.1 beta.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

Sorry for this late response!

Here you will find my “right click menu” screenshot:

I never seen a menu like your screenshot!
Apparently Deadline don’t see the path to the outputs images.

Do you think that the problem come from my “Mapped Drive” in windows?
Is it also necessary to precise the “Mapped Drive” inside the “Repository Options” -> “Mapped Drive Setup (for Windows)”?


Are you submitting from within 3dsmax or from the Monitor? If it’s from the Monitor, that explains the problem, because the Monitor submission script can’t pull the output path from the scene file and pass it along to Deadline when submitting the job. However, because we use maxscript to submit from within 3dsmax, we can grab all this information easily.

If you haven’t setup the integrated submission script for 3dsmax yet, check this out:
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … ript_Setup

If you are using the integrated script and you’re still having this problem, is it possible to post the simple test scene that you’re having problems with?


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

OK it’s that … I launch the job from the monitor!
Thanks for your time!

Have an nice day,