Task "Extra Info 0-9"

Does anyone know how I can get/set these fields in the Task menu?
From the SDK, I’m guessing Deadline.Jobs.Task.TaskProperties?
I don’t see any documentation.



all_IK= get_job[0].GetJobInfoKeys() ---->you can see all the info keys you can query

get_ik=get_job[0].GetJobInfoKeyValue(“ExtraInfo0”)---->gets Key 0
print get_ik

docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … 5f238de049

Hope this helps.

Veselin Georgiev Gyurov.

I’m looking for the “Task” info keys - not the “Job” info keys.

The APIs are not documented.
I tried to discover them through Python introspection, but I’m not having any success setting values.

[‘Equals’, ‘ExtraInfo0’, ‘ExtraInfo1’, ‘ExtraInfo2’, ‘ExtraInfo3’, ‘ExtraInfo4’, ‘ExtraInfo5’, ‘ExtraInfo6’, ‘ExtraInfo7’, ‘ExtraInfo8’, ‘ExtraInfo9’, ‘ExtraInfoDictionary’, ‘Finalize’, ‘GetHashCode’, ‘GetType’, ‘MemberwiseClone’, ‘Overloads’, ‘ReferenceEquals’, ‘ToString’, ‘call’, ‘class’, ‘cmp’, ‘delattr’, ‘delitem’, ‘doc’, ‘format’, ‘getattribute’, ‘getitem’, ‘hash’, ‘init’, ‘iter’, ‘module’, ‘new’, ‘overloads’, ‘reduce’, ‘reduce_ex’, ‘repr’, ‘setattr’, ‘setitem’, ‘sizeof’, ‘str’, ‘subclasshook’, ‘get_ExtraInfo0’, ‘get_ExtraInfo1’, ‘get_ExtraInfo2’, ‘get_ExtraInfo3’, ‘get_ExtraInfo4’, ‘get_ExtraInfo5’, ‘get_ExtraInfo6’, ‘get_ExtraInfo7’, ‘get_ExtraInfo8’, ‘get_ExtraInfo9’, ‘get_ExtraInfoDictionary’, ‘set_ExtraInfo0’, ‘set_ExtraInfo1’, ‘set_ExtraInfo2’, ‘set_ExtraInfo3’, ‘set_ExtraInfo4’, ‘set_ExtraInfo5’, ‘set_ExtraInfo6’, ‘set_ExtraInfo7’, ‘set_ExtraInfo8’, ‘set_ExtraInfo9’, ‘set_ExtraInfoDictionary’]

You’re definitely close. You’ve figured out how to set ExtraInfo0 on those objects. The tricky part is saving it back to the database and the Monitor view…

Now, I’m not entirely sure this will work, but can you try saving the job object via RepositoryUtils.SaveJob()? After 10 minutes of digging, I couldn’t find a save feature either so that’s a problem on us. I’ll send the question off to the core team so they can let me know and maybe throw a little example of how to save that data into the Doxygen documentation.

Tried it - RepositoryUtils.SaveJob() didn’t work. I’m not seeing anything in the docs about the task extra info fields. I’m anxious to see an example from the core team - thanks.

Ok - got it. RepositoryUtils.UpdateTaskProperties() did the trick.
It would be great to update your documentation with an example - working with task extra info…

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I have to agree.

I’ve added a ticket to get some info about how to save task modifications into the Doxygen docs. I might also convince Mike to maybe write up an example for the Github project here: