Tasks Masked Complete Though They Aren't - Fusion5

It seems that if the renderslave.exe is called and it cannot find a license for Fusion, the task drops out (of course, no licence) but Deadline doesn’t seem to catch the error and marks the task as complete. This is particularly problematic on a render farm that has more Deadline licences available than Fusion ones, or if there is a stray compositors PC that has stolen a rendernode licence in error. As well as if the license server goes down for whatever reason. The result is a job that comes back completed within a few minutes, though nothing has been done on it at all.

Our set up:
Fusion 5.3 (though it happened in 5.2 as well)
Notable Fusion 5 Plugin Configurations:
FusionVersionToEnforce: 5.3
UseCommandLineRendering: True
UseExistingDF: False

A logged output of the occurrence (Taken from the archived log file - excuse the meta-brackets):

0: INFO: Using command line rendering. Proxy, High Quality, and Check Output options will be ignored.

0: INFO: Starting Fusion 5 command line render

0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files\eyeon\Render Slave 5.3\ConsoleSlave.exe”

0: INFO: Arguments: "“c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Sq_010-Sc_0030_Comp_04_001.comp” /render /start 600 /end 609 /step 1 /verbose /quiet /quietlicense /clean /quit "

0: INFO: StartupDir: “C:\Program Files\eyeon\Render Slave 5.3”

0: INFO: UseJobObject: true

0: INFO: HideDosWindow: false


0: STDOUT: ---------------------------------------

0: STDOUT: Fusion started 28/Jul/08 12:07:29

0: STDOUT: ---------------------------------------

0: STDOUT: Checking CPU capabilities… OK

0: STDOUT: Checking OS Version… OK

0: STDOUT: Initialising QuickTime

0: STDOUT: Checking for licenses…

0: STDOUT: Obtain License

0: STDOUT: FLEXlm License Error:

0: STDOUT: Cannot connect to license server system.

0: STDOUT: The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,

0: STDOUT: the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the

0: STDOUT: port or hostname in the license file has been changed.

0: STDOUT: Feature: DigitalFusionRender

0: STDOUT: Server name:

0: STDOUT: License path: @;C:\Program Files\eyeon\Render Slave 5.3\fusion.dat;C:\FLEXlm\fusion.dat;C:\Program Files\eyeon\Render Slave 5.3\dfusion.dat;C:\FLEXlm\dfusion.dat;*.lic;

0: STDOUT: FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,570

0: STDOUT: For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,

0: STDOUT: available at “www.macrovision.com”.

0: INFO: Process return code: 0

0: INFO: Finsihed Fusion 5 command line render

<_SlaveVersionString>v2.7.29178 R</_SlaveVersionString>
















Is there any way to correct this? I notice the “/quietlicense” in the command line - does this have anything to do with it?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Kyle,

Thanks for the info. We’ll get this fixed in for 3.0, but you should be able to modify your current plugin to catch this error. Go to \your\repository\plugins\Fusion5 and open up the RenderTasksCommandLine.mpr file. You should see this at the bottom:

OutputRegEx0=Rendered frame [0-9]+ (([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)).*
OutputRule0=SetProgress( (GetRegExMatch(1) / GetRegExMatch(2)) * 100 );

After these two lines, and these two new lines:

OutputRegEx1=FLEXnet Licensing error.*
OutputRule1=FailRender( GetRegExMatch(0) );

Save the file and then try again. Deadline should now fail when it detects the licensing error.


  • Ryan