Temp folders


We are developing an internal script to automate some optimisations on heavy 3D scene and then auto-sutmit scene to render.

We are getting close to a good result but we are facing a problem that deadline is keeping the submitted scene in this folder :


So processing & autoSubmitting heavy (~500Mo each) jobs is flooding the C:\ drive with temp files not needed.

When is this folder supposed to be clean ?
Thanks !


I don’t believe it is ever cleaned. It should be safe to clean out the files you have created, but I’ll see if we can implement a way to avoid using the temporary directory.

I have an update here. There is a new option to cleanup job submission options.

“Cleanup Submission Folders After Each Batch Job: SMTD will purge any temporary local files created during the Batch Render job submission to Deadline. This ensures efficient use of disk space on your local machine.”
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … l#misc-tab

Your solution is for batch submission only, doesn’t work in our case but we found what we were looking for.

We override some SMTD options (like pool & stuff) for our optimizations jobs.
And we found the option :
SMTDFunctions.cleanUpSubmissionFolders all:true
That is doing exactly what we needed.

We’ve also noticed that this function is called on the SMTD open, witch could explain some real latency we have with it. (open SMTD can take 2-5 seconds)

FYI. There is a considerable amount of code that needs to be initialised and settings pulled in from the MongoDB when SMTD loads. Subsequent loads of SMTD in the same 3dsMax session are cached locally and are typically considerably quicker. In terms of your custom job submission, feel free to take our code which executes the submission data cleanup (via function: SMTDFunctions.cleanUpSubmissionFolders) and re-implement it to execute at your preferred time. Bear in mind, that an optimal way to work, is not to even submit the 3dsMax scene file with your Deadline jobs to your Deadline repository but instead, reference the scene file from your already fast network filer. This would result in a very low amount of local disk space being used:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … on-options