I’ve just recently got an APC UPS temp sensor up and running, and being read by Deadline for thermal shutdown, a very clever feature. But I wondered how simple it would be to have a small “gizmo” in the monitor that could give you the temp feed as often as pulse takes a reading? It would be very helpful to keep an eye on it!!!
I wonder if we should expose the ability to query the temperature sensors to our scripting API. That way, it would be possible write a small scripted UI that would show the current temperature. If we went this route, we could ship it as a general script with Deadline.
When beta 5 is released, you’ll find a Check Temperature Sensors script under Scripts -> Miscellaneous in the Monitor. You can use this UI to query the temperature sensors and display their values. You could use this as a starting point if you want expand on its functionality.
It’s not a live feed (it doesn’t auto-update), but you can simply click a button to poll the current temperatures. It will also show if the temperature has increased or decreased since the last poll.
In theory, you could create an event plugin that triggers when pulse does housecleaning to poll this information and push the data to a system like Zabbix to graph the data: zabbix.com/
Having lived with the new temp readout script for a day now, I am very grateful for it, as we’re still fine tuning our temp shutdown levels!
One thing, maybe two things, that I do think could be added to make it a complete feature would be to have it auto start with the monitor, and expanding on that, have it docked in the monitor layout, and updating from the monitor start.
Other then that, very happy, and looks extra geeky!
I’m running RC4 (just up from RC2 yesterday) and I don’t understand the changes made in RC3 for the background update? I cant see a difference, could you enlighten?
Also, more importantly, is there a reason not to, and can this be done - have Deadline read the exact temp from the sensor. Our UPS sensor reads in .5 deg steps, but Deadline seems to round up from .5, so 45.5 is read as 46? This .5 temp would actually help us!! I know I’m a pain!
Any news on having the readout docked into the monitor?
I’m not sure I understand what you’re referring to. There isn’t anything in the RC3 release notes about background updating.
We currently round to the nearest integer because that’s what the system was originally designed to work with (temperatures and temperature settings in Deadline all all integer-based). Is this a functional issue for you or just a display issue?
While it’s something we would like to support in the future, it’s not currently on a roadmap, and we can’t really give an ETA on when it will make it onto a roadmap at this time.