templates with slate error: colors.xml

Hey there,

since updating to the latest version Draft errors whenever a template with slate is chosen.

0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: Magick: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `colors.xml' @ warning/configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/589

I tried the Thinkbox templates and our own ones. Choosing a non-slate template renders fine. Is there a colors.xml somewhere? Then I could look if it’s kind of broken :slight_smile:

Thanks and best regards,

Thank you for your report!

From what I can tell this only happens with pure black (ColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0, alpha )), so you may be able to work around this bug by changing the color slightly.

You can download colors.xml here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/resources.php. Copying that file into the Draft directory (\path\to\Draft\Windows\64bit etc) seemed to fix the problem for me.

Edit: in the next Draft release, this will appear as a warning (which you can safely ignore) instead of an error.

The xml works fine. Thank you! It’d be perfect when the slaves would get the colors.xml from the repository via the new update function . I guess, I need to copy it to all machines or wait for the next release :smiley:

Best regards,

Thank you for letting us know!

You can also force an update by changing the Draft Version files in your repository (\repository\Draft\Windows\64bit\Version, \repository\Draft\Windows\32bit\Version, etc.)

For example, to copy colors.xml onto your 64-bit Windows slaves:

  1. Copy colors.xml to \repository\Draft\Windows\64bit\colors.xml
  2. Unzip the attached Version file, and copy it to \repository\Draft\Windows\64bit\Version

Version.zip (1.11 KB)

Nice, thanks. I updated half of our slaves manually and will try your workflow for the rest of them.

Take care,