I have a doosy of a question. We are going to be combining our 2 offices into the same location. However, the group moving in requires their machines to be ONLY theirs during office hours. What we are trying to do is have their 5 machines available only to them from 8am - 8pm then switch over to the full network.
I am not sure this is possible… I was thinking being able to set them up so they are in their own deadline Group during that time and swap to another group at night but I am not sure that is possible either.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I was not specific enough. When I say groups I meant groups as in manage groups / pools. The machines would always be online. We need them to only be accessible to certain people during certain hours. So my thought was having them automatically switch their job submission group back and forth so they only render jobs on group A during the night and jobs on group B during the day. Does that make sense?
You could do that with with OnHouseCleaningCallback event script which runs fairly often (check your repository settings for the exact time interval), and then do a comparison of current time against your schedule.