Test for directly rendering FumeFX

Hi there,

as am in the progress of doing a bunch of fume shots i grabbed the latest beta and had a go at directly voxelrendering one of the sims.
Turns our great and works really nice so far!

Rendertime was 44 seconds for Frame 100

There’s one thing i didnt really find info for and that is confusing me. I had a LOT of nice detail added by mapping the opacity of the
material. What i accidently did was use “Vertex Color” map channel and it looked great out of the box using BerconNoise’s Perlin + Multi Riged Fractal.
But what channel is actually used when the map is set to VertexColor channel ? It looks pretty similar to Explicit map channel wich i
thought wouldnt work at all. So what kind of info is used for these two ?

Kind Regards and two enthusiastic thumbs up for 1.5!

krakatoa_directfume_v01.mov (2.33 MB)

Nice Thorsten :smiley:

I noticed that i can actually get enough particles out of the fume sim to render it as particles…example to come…but a question. Why is the jittering disabled in the Fume modifier ?


Laziness :slight_smile:
We have to implement a solid 3D noise function under the hood to ensure the jitter is consistent between machines as we don’t want it flickering. A current workaround is to save the particles to PRT, load in a PRT Loader and add a high-frequency Noise modifier on top to get the same result. I know, wasting disk space…
We have it on our list (same for GeoVolumes), but we discovered that it works rather nice for voxels even without so it got pushed back a bit to make way for all the other coolness that is coming in the next beta build…

Good to know Bobo :slight_smile:

As promised here’s a shot rendered as particles. One can hardly spot it’s actually particles not volumetric…and it’s BLAZING fast. Max rendertime was like 15 secs a frame
with two lights!

The only problem is when getting closer (or rendering at high res for that matter) the grid-nature of the particle distribution shows very much (hence my question regarding the

But still i like it very very much and cant wait to mangle it with KCE :slight_smile:

krakatoa_directfume_particles_v01.mov (3.04 MB)

Really cool!

The main reason for the existence of the voxel renderer in Krakatoa is to get rid of the obvious points when passing through a cloud of particles. It is a lot slower than points, but it has its advantages when you come closer, and we are making it faster with each build. Also, at this point the Absorption channel will not be supported by the point renderer. Possibly some day, but it is not trivial.

I want to stress once more that the direct FumeFX rendering might not be in the final shipping product. We are still waiting for Sitni Sati to respond regarding the price of using their SDK in a commercial product and I can imagine they could mistake Krakatoa for a competitor while it is obviously a nice addition to the FumeFX toolset. So don’t get your hopes too high.

Would be a pity to loose such a nice feature due to political reasons :confused: Makes Fume actually a tad less fun :unamused:

Am preparing a bunch of “smoke from wheels” shots atm so that’s gonna be some serious fun i guess. Actually once again i stumbled over the
Problem with Fume Containers not having the modifier on them even tho i knew. So a warning would really be nice :smiley:
