
Hi everyone!

little things I´ve noticed(
-“When particles change” parameter is working fine with an object and TP, but with PF only updates when activating or deactivating any operator, or if i change some value of the PF source like viewport percentage. but not when changing an operator value.
-the value of the Radius channel needs to be twice the value of radius to be the same in the viewport.
-if i create a radius channel in TP, frost doesn´t read it. it seems like it´s taking the radius channel value from the first active size value and set that value to all particles. so i can´t really assign radius per paticle. It´d be nice to select by dynamic set also.

-.particle files. has an option to limit to custom range, it´d be useful to have that option in particle Objets.

.lastly, when i change the radius channel value over time (per particle) the meshing resolution is changing also during the animation. I think this is because mesh res depends on particle size parameter, it´s not a global parameter. i´d expect the resolution to keep the same i guess

Hi! Thanks for your feedback.

Is this with Thinking Particles? From what I can tell, the radius matches in Particle Flow. For example, if I choose Cube in Particle Flow and Union of Spheres in Frost, they match in size.

Thanks, I’ll look into this.

I’ll put this on the wish list.

Yes, currently the resolution is based on the largest particle size in the current frame. I’d like to handle this differently, but I’m not sure how. I’d like to hear suggestions. Here are some ideas:

  • Set the resolution directly.
  • Add an option to use a “reference” particle size. Then base the resolution on this reference size instead of the largest particle size.
  • Always set the resolution from the radius in Frame 0.

i´m doing the same. In PF i choose cube and a size of 4 to match size in the viewport as with UseRadiusChannel deselected and a radius of 2
also, if i choose another shape other than cube(like tetra), the radiusChannel seems to be changing a little. don´t know why, i thought frost was reading the size*scale value only. maybe those other shapes change the scale internally…? :confused: (i´m just curious here)

-I think the resolution should be independent of others parameters. if the mesh is far from the camera i´d lower the res, that´s the only case i can think of now.

It seems like the Size in PFlow is the Diameter instead of the Radius. So if you match a Standard Primitives->GeoSphere to the cubes, it will also require a radius of 2.

Yes, it seems the radius channel does change with the shape… It’s been a while since I looked at it, but from what I remember it gets a little tricky – instead of reading the size directly, you get the boundbox of the shape’s mesh, or something along those lines. What we do is equivalent to $.getParticleScale 1 in MAXScript.

Alright… One possibility we discussed was to make this an option/alternative to the current method.

I posted a new Frost build (Frost 0.6.5) in which I tried to fix the Thinking Particles radius bug you described. Frost should now use the size from the correct particle instead of always using the first particle. Please let me know if you get a chance to test it.

Would be nice if we could do anisotropic voxel sizes as well as transforming the sampling grid.

  • Chad

I have that on our wish list. Currently anything other than rotating the grid is a pretty major undertaking. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind next time we make significant changes to the meshing code.

it’s working fine with TP now. Thanks!

note: when i add a relax modifier frost icon disappears

That happens because once you drop a modifier on there, it is no longer a Frost object. It becomes an editable mesh object, hence the lack of icon.

That’s good to hear. Thanks for testing it again!