AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

texture coordinates not loading

i did export texture coordinate channel, and i did see the texture coordinate XMDAT file, but when loading xmesh i get no uv information, anything i might have done wrong?

Thank you for your report! I have a couple questions:

What 3D application are you using? (For example, 3ds Max or Maya?)

How did you determine that there is no UV information?

i am using maya2015, when i open uv editor, there’s no uv, i have checked map1 when exporting, and i do see the texture coordinate file…

At first glance, the XMDAT file containing the UV vertices is only 1K, so it is probably empty (e.g. all vertices have a value of 0,0 or something like that).
So the XMesh Loader is probably working correctly, but something happened in the XMesh Saver - either the object did not have correct UV coordinates, or XMesh Saver failed to access them correctly. Can you provide Paul with a simple Maya scene that reproduces the problem so we can look at the source object and what XMesh Saver is seeing in it?

this is the maya scene i use to test, a simple ncloth sim cached and then exported.
test_01.rar (10.8 KB)

Thank you! I tried saving an XMesh from your scene. Although the UVs may not appear in the UV editor, they should work as expected if you apply a texture to the mesh:


Does this work for you?

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