In the KCM, Is there a way to sample the mono or normal perturb from a texture? Seems like it’s only getting the color output.
- Chad
In the KCM, Is there a way to sample the mono or normal perturb from a texture? Seems like it’s only getting the color output.
Right now there is not, but I know for sure there was a talk about exposing the normal perturb data and possibly introducing a special channel in the KCM for that sort of stuff together with Glossiness/Spec.Level channels and whatnot. I assume it will happen soon when we work on grabbing more data from Standard materials (incl. converting the Filter color to Absorption channel and SelfIllum. to Emission channel).
But in this case, it’s map level, not material. The materials request mono, color, normal perturb, but in the case of KCM, we don’t get a radio button or dropdown to select which channel we want to request. Anyway, just checking to see if I was missing anything. I wanted to start playing with my normals, see if I could mix them with some bump maps out of DarkTree.
PS. Is there a way to get RSS feeds or email notifications for this board?
True, it would be probably a dropdownlist in the TexMap Input node similar to the ToSpace additional options rollout.
I was just saying that Darcy was doing some other things in the code and once he goes back to general material data and channels, getting the bump map channels would be something he could do in the process. Of course I am not promising anything since he is the one who has to do the work, I am just fooling around with the UI code
I checked online and the phpBB board does not seem to support RSS feeds, although there appear to be modified versions of it that do.