TFD Crash when trying to render

I’ve been putting Krakatoa through it’s paces with X-Particles for the last few days which worked great so I decided to give TurbulenceFD a try but it keeps crashing as soon as I press render (Preparing… then crash)

It is a very simple setup following the instructions outlayed for TFD in another post on here (i.e. cached density etc)

C4D R15.057 / Win7
TFD 1.01317 / Latest version

I’ve attached my bugreport if that helps

Not sure what I’m missing…
_BugReport.txt (783 KB)

Please post the file then, I know rendering with TFD is tricky right now.

Sure thing, here you go. (49.5 KB)

Well, actually a user error: you didn’t emit any temperature from the Sphere, but want to use it in the Fire Mapping Channel :slight_smile:

Change it to Density, which actually exists and voila, renders fine:

Fixed (65.4 KB)



Ah nuts, thanks man - sorry about that

still shouldnt crash ;-p


Nope, some error message would help there, can you implement that?:wink:

It is now logged as a bug and someone will look into that…

Thanks for the report!

We have spoken to the guys at Turblence FD, and they were able to fix the crash on their end. So in the new version of TFD, this will no longer be a problem.

Unfortunately, we aren’t currently able to catch the crash on our end before it happens, so this is something to be aware of.

Jascha from TFD is usually pretty quick releasing new builds, so I guess the fix will be up soon.

I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I can’t seem to render any Krakatoa - TFD.
It crashes instantly.
Scene attached.
100Mio TFD Krakatoa (72.3 KB)

Well you set the TFD Krakatoa Source to use the smoke shader, but in the TFD container you only use the Fire shader… so what is Krakatoa supposed to render? :wink:

ok, now I got it. doh…

I didn’t get which “fire” and which “smoke” you where referring to.


No problem;)

I’ll take a look at that one to see if we can prevent the crash before it happens.