The licence doesn't back to server until close Maya?

Regarding to Krakatoa-Maya licence, when rendering on Maya (on Render View),the Licence of Krakatoa-Maya is out until close the Maya software.
( I mean the licence does not back to server until close the Maya software it self.)

We just want to know, it is just for bata version or it will be same on regular release version?

In the Krakatoa MX implementation for 3ds Max, we also keep the license during the session. But we also provide two buttons in the Preferences dialog - one to force manual acquisition of the license and one to release the license (for example if another artists needs a floating license and you want to return it prematurely without closing Max).

I assume we could do the same in Maya. Since the Krakatoa MY version is quite new and Krakatoa SR was only getting a license while the PY scene was running, we haven’t really discussed this as far as I can remember. I guess now is a good time to discuss this…

Holding the license until Maya closes was intentional. Initially, I wanted to have it release the license when Krakatoa is no longer the active render, but I haven’t found a way to do that yet. Also, it doesn’t have a “release license” button. I will look at doing that.

Do you know if there is a standard way render license are handled in Maya (for other paid renderers)? I was initially just trying to match our behavior from Krakatoa MX.