the necessary database connection settings

I’m given this error on luancher 6.0.49608 (Beta 8) startup : given repository path \\DeadlineRepository does not contain the necessary database connection settings file.
I’ve installed repository successfully after removing deadline5 with no errors or anything on windows 2k8r2 there is no network issue and I can reach this address. I’ve Also installed repository on my windows 7 laptop to compare \deadlinerepository\ directories and there is two files pymgbg.exe and khy which are not on my 2008 repo. I’ve reinstalled,uninstalled, fresh installed but no luck .

Can you check the \\DeadlineRepository\settings folder to see if there is a file called dbConnect.xml in there? That’s the file that Deadline is looking for, and if it’s not there, you would see this error.

Just to confirm, did you install the Deadline 6 repository after uninstalling the Deadline 5 one? The Deadline 6 repository installer creates that dbConnect.xml file.


  • Ryan

the file exists in C:\DeadlineRepository6\settings but not on the shared directory . there is only one folder shared in \\DeadlineRepository and it’s a empty “python” named folder.

Sounds like you’ll need to modify the DeadlineRepository share on the machine so that it points to the C:\DeadlineRepository6. I’m guessing it’s still pointing to your old repository folder.

yes it was